Static ropes
AAK Safety AS

Teufelberger Patron Plus 11mm

Rope 200 meter length

Product number: 3505

Patron PLUS 11 mm is a static rope with high breaking strength.

MBS 33kN

Suitable for motor winches

EN 1891 : 1998

14 In stock



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Product description

Patron PLUS 11 mm rope from Teufelberger is developed for applications where high breaking load and durability is required. With a MBS of 33kN and construction makes it suitable for application with motor winches. The ropes cover and core are made from polyamide and the cover is 32 braided for good resistance against dirt and remaining a soft handling.


Size (m)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
22270-200 200 18.42 Czech Republic

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Teufelberger
Material: Polyamide
EN-standard: EN 1891 : 1998
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Life span: 10 years
Warranty: 2 year
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Rope: 11mm 32-braided kernmantle with core and cover in Polyamide. Elongation 3%, weight/m: 75g
Fall indicator: No
Minimum breaking strength - MBS (kN): 33
Energy absorber: No
Adjustable under load: No

Product attachments


Patron PLUS 11 mm rope from Teufelberger is developed for applications where high breaking load and durability is required. With a MBS of 33kN and construction makes it suitable for application with motor winches. The ropes cover and core are made from polyamide and the cover is 32 braided for good resistance against dirt and remaining a soft handling.