Rope protection
AAK Safety AS

SAR Super Pro


Product number: 6587

SuperPro Rope Protector is the new generation of rope protectors. Utilising a layered construction of heavy duty materials, SuperPro delivers unparalleled protection for rope access, technical rescue, and military users who depend on reliability.

Velcro fastener

Securing Eyelets

4mm cord tab

11 In stock



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Product description

With a hi-vis PVC outer layer, cushioned core, and ultra hardwearing, military grade canvas contact layer, the SuperPro is built to last. The addition of a reflective strip for visibility, plus ultra-secure velcro closure and cord loop, make it the go to choice for any rope or edge protection scenario.

SuperPro units can be used alone as a standard tube rope protector, or can be linked together, either to make a flat pad, or to form a larger tube that can be used with multi-rope systems.

Width: 25cm
Length: 85cm


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
22905 0.095 United Kingdom

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: SAR
With a hi-vis PVC outer layer, cushioned core, and ultra hardwearing, military grade canvas contact layer, the SuperPro is built to last. The addition of a reflective strip for visibility, plus ultra-secure velcro closure and cord loop, make it the go to choice for any rope or edge protection scenario.

SuperPro units can be used alone as a standard tube rope protector, or can be linked together, either to make a flat pad, or to form a larger tube that can be used with multi-rope systems.

Width: 25cm
Length: 85cm