AAK Safety AS

Petzl Ascension

Handled rope clamp

Product number: 3732

Ascension from Petzl is a handled rope clamp for rope ascents.

Available in left- or right-handed version

Compatible with 8-13 mm ropes

Wide lower hole for two carabiners

EN 12841 : 2006
EN 567 : 2013

20 In stock



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Product description

The Ascension is designed for rope ascents and features an overmolded grip and ergonomic upper part for a comfortable and powerful grip when pulling with one or two hands. The Ascension has a wide lower hole for easily attaching two carabiners for a lanyard and footloop.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
25130-V 0.21 France
25130-H 0.21 France

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Petzl
Material: Aluminum , Nylon, Stainless steel
Maximum load (kg): 140
Maximum number of users: 1
EN-standard: EN 12841 : 2006, EN 567 : 2013
Notified body: 0082, SAS APAVE SUDEUROPE - CS 601193, 13322 Marseille cedex 16, France
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Warranty: 2+1 year when registered in Inspector
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Rope: 8-13mm kern mantel ropes
Fall indicator: No
Minimum breaking strength - MBS (kN): 4
Energy absorber: No
Functions: Lifting function
Adjustable under load: Yes

Product attachments

The Ascension is designed for rope ascents and features an overmolded grip and ergonomic upper part for a comfortable and powerful grip when pulling with one or two hands. The Ascension has a wide lower hole for easily attaching two carabiners for a lanyard and footloop.