Rope protection
AAK Safety AS

Petzl Roller Coaster

Petzl Roller Coaster Kantrulle

Product number: 6917

Reversible rope protector on bearings for a moving rope

Rollers mounted on sealed ball bearing, providing high-efficiency


Protection for one or two moving ropes

1 In stock



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Product description

The ROLLER COASTER protector is designed to help protect a moving rope from abrasion. Reversible, with different frame shapes on either side that allow it to adapt to flat or angled surfaces. Multiple connection holes allow the use of different attachment methods. It’s possible to connect multiple modules to better adapt to different types of terrain.

Reversible protector with two sides to adapt to different situations:

Flat face with attachment points, making it possible to position the module on a flat area or soft ground

Angled face makes it possible to install the module on an I-beam, square edge, or guardrail

Protection on bearings with multiple possible connections:
Multiple connection holes make it possible to use the most suitable mounting option for the terrain: 10 or 12 mm bolts, PULSE, COEUR PULSE

Multiple modules can be assembled together with links, carabiners, or even cord


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
22924 0.47 France

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Petzl

Product attachments

The ROLLER COASTER protector is designed to help protect a moving rope from abrasion. Reversible, with different frame shapes on either side that allow it to adapt to flat or angled surfaces. Multiple connection holes allow the use of different attachment methods. It’s possible to connect multiple modules to better adapt to different types of terrain.

Reversible protector with two sides to adapt to different situations:

Flat face with attachment points, making it possible to position the module on a flat area or soft ground

Angled face makes it possible to install the module on an I-beam, square edge, or guardrail

Protection on bearings with multiple possible connections:
Multiple connection holes make it possible to use the most suitable mounting option for the terrain: 10 or 12 mm bolts, PULSE, COEUR PULSE

Multiple modules can be assembled together with links, carabiners, or even cord