AAK Safety AS

Petzl Maestro

Descender with integrated progress-capture pulley

Product number: 5752

MAESTRO is a descender designed for technical rescue operations. It facilitates manipulation of heavy loads, for lowering or hauling, and may be used in both the primary system or in a back-up belay.

Great versatility, ideal for technical rescue

Efficient for handling heavy loads

Efficiency: 86 %

EN 341 : 2011
EN 12841 : 2006

1 In stock



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Product description

Descender with integrated progress-capture pulley for loads up to 250 kg, compatible with 10.5 to 11.5 mm ropes. Or Large version for 12,5 to 13mm ropes and loads up to 280 kg.
This versatility allows rescuers to adapt to any situation they may encounter on the rescue scene. The ergonomic handle and integrated brake allow for comfortably controlled descent. Shifting from lowering position to hauling position is immediate, without the need to transfer the load. The integrated progress-capture pulley has a large diameter sheave mounted on sealed ball bearings, ensuring excellent hauling efficiency. The AUTO-LOCK system automatically locks the rope when the handle is not in use.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
25023 1.1 France
25023-L 1.1 France

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Petzl
Maximum load (kg): 250
EN-standard: EN 341 : 2011, EN 12841 : 2006
Notified body: 0082, SAS APAVE SUDEUROPE - CS 601193, 13322 Marseille cedex 16, France
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Functions: Descend function
Adjustable under load: Yes

Product attachments


Descender with integrated progress-capture pulley for loads up to 250 kg, compatible with 10.5 to 11.5 mm ropes. Or Large version for 12,5 to 13mm ropes and loads up to 280 kg.
This versatility allows rescuers to adapt to any situation they may encounter on the rescue scene. The ergonomic handle and integrated brake allow for comfortably controlled descent. Shifting from lowering position to hauling position is immediate, without the need to transfer the load. The integrated progress-capture pulley has a large diameter sheave mounted on sealed ball bearings, ensuring excellent hauling efficiency. The AUTO-LOCK system automatically locks the rope when the handle is not in use.