Rope protection
AAK Safety AS

SAR Heavy Duty

Sar Taubeskytter Heavy Duty

Product number: 6585

The SAR Heavy Duty rope protector is made from high grade, extra thick polyester material, which offers better protection against areas of high abrasion.

Width: 15cm

4mm cord tab

Velcro fastener

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Product description

It has velcro side closure and a cord loop, and is available in two different lengths: 50cm or 80cm.

Length: 50cm or 80cm
Colour: Red


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
22901 0.085 United Kingdom

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: SAR
It has velcro side closure and a cord loop, and is available in two different lengths: 50cm or 80cm.

Length: 50cm or 80cm
Colour: Red