Rope bags
AAK Safety AS

AAK Rope bag

Rope bag 22810

Product number: 1217

AAK Rope bag is a series of bags in 3 sizes, medium, large and X-large


Medium (H 65 cm, D 22 cm): 65 m rope, Large (H 68 cm, D 25 cm): 100 m rope, X-large (H 87 cm, D 33 cm): 200 m rope

Water resistant material

161 In stock



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Product description

AAK Rope bag is a series of bags in 3 sizes, medium, large and X-large, suitable for storage and transport of rope and your personal protective equipment. Fits upp to 200 meters of rope and secured by the closeable top. Made from robust water resitant material for durability.


Length (cm)
Width (cm)
Height (cm)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
22810-L 25 25 68 0.17 Norway
22810-M 22 20 65 0.17 Norway
22810-XL 33 33 87 0.17 Norway

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: AAK
Material: PVC, Nylon
Declaration of Conformity: No
AAK Rope bag is a series of bags in 3 sizes, medium, large and X-large, suitable for storage and transport of rope and your personal protective equipment. Fits upp to 200 meters of rope and secured by the closeable top. Made from robust water resitant material for durability.