AAK Safety AS

Petzl I’D


Product number: 1137

I’D® from Petzl is a manual rope adjuster- and descent handle with anti-panic function.

Anti-panic function

AUTO-LOCK system

For use with 10 to 11,5 or 12,5 to 13 mm diameter rope

EN 341 : 2011
EN 12841 : 2006
EN 15151-1 : 2012
ANSI Z359.4-2013

138 In stock



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Product description

The I’D® is a popular rope adjuster which is used in rope access. The device has an anti-panic function that stops automatic when the user pulls the handle to hard. The I'D also has a AUTO-LOCk system that locks automatic and returns the handle in stop mode.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
25080 0.5 France
25080-SORT 0.6 France
25080-L 0.6 France

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Petzl
Material: Aluminum
Maximum load (kg): 150
EN-standard: EN 341 : 2011, EN 12841 : 2006, EN 15151-1 : 2012
Other standards: ANSI Z359.4-2013
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Warranty: 2+1 year when registered in Inspector
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Minimum breaking strength - MBS (kN): 14
Functions: Descend function
Adjustable under load: Yes

Product attachments


The I’D® is a popular rope adjuster which is used in rope access. The device has an anti-panic function that stops automatic when the user pulls the handle to hard. The I'D also has a AUTO-LOCk system that locks automatic and returns the handle in stop mode.