Static ropes
AAK Safety AS

Patron Plus 11mm sydde ender

Semistatic climbing rope with sewn ends

Product number: 6211

This rope from Teufelberger are made for rope-access and work systems. The rope is well adapted to the new generation of rope clamps and descent devices.
Patron Plus is recommended for use with rope mopeds.

With sewn ends

Little twin


1 In stock



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Product description

Teufelberger Patron Plus are made for rope-access and work systems. The rope is well adapted to the new generation of rope clamps and descent devices.

It is a very good working rope with a rough cover, and which is very comfortable to work with. The rope is characterized by very high strength in relation to its diameter, and is easy to work with under most conditions.
The rope produces very little twist in use. Certified according to NS-EN1891, class A and with specifications as stated below.

The rope has been specially developed as a work rope for use with rope mopeds, Rope access and other rope-based techniques for work, as well as for rescue.


Breaking strength with figure 8 knot: 22kN
Number of falls 80kg/factor 1: 10
Catch force: 5kN
Work extension: 4.2%
Mass proportion in stocking: 35.0%
Mass proportion in core: 65.0%
Shrinkage: 3.5%
Knot flexibility: 0.97


Size (m)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
22274-030 30 0.075 Austria
22274-050 50 0.075 Austria
22274-060 60 0.075 Austria
22274-100 100 7.5 Austria

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Teufelberger

Product attachments


Teufelberger Patron Plus are made for rope-access and work systems. The rope is well adapted to the new generation of rope clamps and descent devices.

It is a very good working rope with a rough cover, and which is very comfortable to work with. The rope is characterized by very high strength in relation to its diameter, and is easy to work with under most conditions.
The rope produces very little twist in use. Certified according to NS-EN1891, class A and with specifications as stated below.

The rope has been specially developed as a work rope for use with rope mopeds, Rope access and other rope-based techniques for work, as well as for rescue.


Breaking strength with figure 8 knot: 22kN
Number of falls 80kg/factor 1: 10
Catch force: 5kN
Work extension: 4.2%
Mass proportion in stocking: 35.0%
Mass proportion in core: 65.0%
Shrinkage: 3.5%
Knot flexibility: 0.97