Static ropes
AAK Safety AS

Teufelberger Patron 11mm

Static rope

Product number: 5293

Their strong points are low weight and high breaking strength


Robust and compact

Excellent grip and handling

EN 1891 : 1998

10733 In stock



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Product description

It is low weight and high breaking strength that give the static ropes Patron the exceptional appeal. Due to the high strength and the low
danger of breaking, Patron ropes are the right choice for many different applications. The high-twist 32-strand mantle braid provides for high
dirt resistance, better grip and high abrasion protection.


Size (mm)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
22270-RØD 11 0.75 Austria
22270 11 0.075 Austria

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Teufelberger
Material: Nylon
EN-standard: EN 1891 : 1998
Notified body: 0408, TÜV Austria Services GmbH, Deutschstraße 10, 1230 Wien, Austria
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Life span: 10 years
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Minimum breaking strength - MBS (kN): 33

Product attachments


It is low weight and high breaking strength that give the static ropes Patron the exceptional appeal. Due to the high strength and the low
danger of breaking, Patron ropes are the right choice for many different applications. The high-twist 32-strand mantle braid provides for high
dirt resistance, better grip and high abrasion protection.