Static ropes
AAK Safety AS

Teufelberger Vulcanus

Heat resistant rope

Product number: 5299

Vulcanus from TEUFELBERGER is certified to EN 1891A. Because of its aramid cover, it is suited for use as a heat resistant rope.

high decomposition point (up to 500°C)

Increased resistance to cutting and abrasion

EN 1891

EN 1891 : 1998

165 In stock



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Product description

This rescue rope consists of a polyamide core and an aramid cover. Contrary to polyester and polyamide, aramids are highly heat resistant. What is more, these fibers exhibit excellent strength and only slight elongation at break.

Vulcanus ideally complements our portfolio in that it features increased resistance to cutting and abrasion. In view of these properties, it is suited for use as a work rope or work positioning rope and equally well suited for work activities near heat sources and sharp edges. In view of its heat resistance, using it for several fast abseiling procedures in rapid succession is not a problem. Hence, it is also well suited for special intervention units, emergency response organizations, and for use in rescue operations.


Size (mm)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
22627 11 0.075 Austria

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Teufelberger
Material: Nylon, Aramid
EN-standard: EN 1891 : 1998
Notified body: 0408, TÜV Austria Services GmbH, Deutschstraße 10, 1230 Wien, Austria
Life span: 5 years
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Minimum breaking strength - MBS (kN): 40


This rescue rope consists of a polyamide core and an aramid cover. Contrary to polyester and polyamide, aramids are highly heat resistant. What is more, these fibers exhibit excellent strength and only slight elongation at break.

Vulcanus ideally complements our portfolio in that it features increased resistance to cutting and abrasion. In view of these properties, it is suited for use as a work rope or work positioning rope and equally well suited for work activities near heat sources and sharp edges. In view of its heat resistance, using it for several fast abseiling procedures in rapid succession is not a problem. Hence, it is also well suited for special intervention units, emergency response organizations, and for use in rescue operations.