Static ropes
AAK Safety AS

Teufelberger Ultrastatic 11mm

Static rope

Product number: 5297

Ultrastatic is an exceptional static rope certified to EN 1891A and consists of a polyester cover and a polyamide core.

Exceptionally low stretch

Above average breaking strength

Excellent UV stability

EN 1891 : 1998

28 In stock



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Product description

In addition, it has excellent handling characteristics. All these characteristics make Ultrastatic a great choice for work and rescue at great heights, use in rough environments of rescue and hoisting equipment, and for use as a rappelling aid.


Size (mm)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
22278 11 0.075 Austria

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Teufelberger
Material: Polyester, Nylon
EN-standard: EN 1891 : 1998
Notified body: 0408, TÜV Austria Services GmbH, Deutschstraße 10, 1230 Wien, Austria
Life span: 10 years
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Minimum breaking strength - MBS (kN): 40


In addition, it has excellent handling characteristics. All these characteristics make Ultrastatic a great choice for work and rescue at great heights, use in rough environments of rescue and hoisting equipment, and for use as a rappelling aid.