Steel Carabiners
AAK Safety AS

Kong stainless screw

screw sleeve

Product number: 5336

The X-Large is designed to offer a wide gate opening and a high tensile strength.

Stainless steel

Wide gate


EN 362 : 2004

735 In stock



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Product description

The particular D shape prevents the rotation of the carabiner and allows to distribute the load along the major axis.
Fitted with screw sleeve, easy to open even wearing gloves.
Compared to other less noble stainless steels, AISI 316 steel is used in aggressive environments, where there are many corrosive factors that are prolonged over time, for example marine areas, saline environments, areas with the presence of chemical substances. It is therefore a perfect product for use in the nautical world but also in food and chemicals industry.


Length (cm)
Width (cm)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
24360 11.4 7.65 0.25 Italy

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: KONG
Material: Stainless steel
EN-standard: EN 362 : 2004
Notified body: 0123, TÜV SÜD Product Service Gmbh, Ridlerstaße 65, 80339 Munich, Germany
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Minimum breaking strength - MBS (kN): 35
Gate opening (mm): 26

Product attachments

The particular D shape prevents the rotation of the carabiner and allows to distribute the load along the major axis.
Fitted with screw sleeve, easy to open even wearing gloves.
Compared to other less noble stainless steels, AISI 316 steel is used in aggressive environments, where there are many corrosive factors that are prolonged over time, for example marine areas, saline environments, areas with the presence of chemical substances. It is therefore a perfect product for use in the nautical world but also in food and chemicals industry.