AAK Safety AS

Egolett stolpesko 6-10

Adjustable 6-10 inches 3+3 spikes

Product number: 5377

Pole climbing shoes in aluminum for climbing wooden poles. Easy to adjust according to the thickness of the post.

Shoesize 40 - 46 (Over this select size XL)

Only 4,2 kg

Easy to adjust

16 In stock



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Product description

Egolette pole climbing shoes in aluminum for climbing wooden poles.
This is the market leader in Norway, an adjustable climbing shoe forged in alloyed aluminium.

The shoes are anodized black, so that major damage and impacts can be detected against shiny metal.
According to Swedish standards and everken's RST 2, stilt shoes must be checked once a year and discarded after 10 - 15 years of use (§ 12 and 16). NOTE: Read the manual

Tested at SINTEF in accordance with "Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen" regulations in Sweden.

For shoe sizes under 40, you should buy a separate heel cap for a better fit.

For shoe size 46 and above, you should buy the XL model.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
29780-XL 4.3 Norway
29780 4.2 Norway

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Egolett
Min/Max load (kg): 30 / 120
Maximum number of users: 1
Min/Max working temperature (c): - 40 / 100
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Life span: 10 years
Warranty: 2 year

Product attachments

Egolette pole climbing shoes in aluminum for climbing wooden poles.
This is the market leader in Norway, an adjustable climbing shoe forged in alloyed aluminium.

The shoes are anodized black, so that major damage and impacts can be detected against shiny metal.
According to Swedish standards and everken's RST 2, stilt shoes must be checked once a year and discarded after 10 - 15 years of use (§ 12 and 16). NOTE: Read the manual

Tested at SINTEF in accordance with "Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen" regulations in Sweden.

For shoe sizes under 40, you should buy a separate heel cap for a better fit.

For shoe size 46 and above, you should buy the XL model.