AAK Safety AS

SAR pole sling Jerol

SAR Pole sling

Product number: 1160

A post sling for composite poles, equipped with a spike clamp in the middle for better grip on the pole.

For composite poles

Snapphook Triple action

Stainless bracket with spikes

EN 795 : 2012

0 In stock



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Product description

Composite Pole Sling - Jerol from SAR is a pole sling of strong nylon webbing and with tri lock carabiner at one end. The metal bracket in the middle of the sling is equipped with spikess to prevent the sling from sliding down the pole, for example when the pole is covered with ice.


Length (cm)
Width (cm)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
23835-PG 66.5 3 0.29 Norway

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: SAR
EN-standard: EN 795 : 2012
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Warranty: 2 year
Declaration of Conformity: No
Composite Pole Sling - Jerol from SAR is a pole sling of strong nylon webbing and with tri lock carabiner at one end. The metal bracket in the middle of the sling is equipped with spikess to prevent the sling from sliding down the pole, for example when the pole is covered with ice.