AAK Safety AS

SAR pole sling wood

Pole sling for wooden poles

Product number: 3398

A pole sling for work in wooden poles.

For wooden poles

Snapphook Triple action

Available in 50 cm and 80 cm (XL)

EN 795 : 2012 Type B
EN 354 : 2010
EN 566 : 2017
TS 16415:2013

188 In stock



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Product description

Wood Pole Sling from SAR is a pole sling used when working in wooden poles. The sling creates a throttling effect around the pole and is used in combination with a support lanyard for maximum safety.
We recomend AAK Grillon complete or Cresto Simo+ (2370)


Size (m)
Length (cm)
Width (cm)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
23835 0.5 50 3 0.29 United Kingdom
23835-XL 0.8 84 3 0.35 United Kingdom

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: SAR
Material: Polyester, Nylon
Maximum load (kg): 150
Maximum number of users: 1
EN-standard: EN 795 : 2012 Type B, EN 354 : 2010, EN 566 : 2017
Other standards: TS 16415:2013
Notified body: 0598, SGS Fimko Ltd, Takomotie 8, FI-00380 Helsinki, Finland
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Life span: 10 years
Warranty: 2 year
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Maximum rope length (m): 0.5
Fall indicator: No
Minimum breaking strength - MBS (kN): 22
Energy absorber: No
Adjustable under load: No

Product attachments

Wood Pole Sling from SAR is a pole sling used when working in wooden poles. The sling creates a throttling effect around the pole and is used in combination with a support lanyard for maximum safety.
We recomend AAK Grillon complete or Cresto Simo+ (2370)