Sit harnesess
AAK Safety AS

SAR Harrier 3 Full QC

Sit harness

Product number: 4803

Technical seat harness from SAR - Used together with chest harness Chest, Chest+, or Osprey Quick. With this combination, you get an approved body harness.

Innovative design for maximum flexibility

One of the market's most versatile and compatible harnesses

Very user-friendly with many options

EN 358 : 1999
EN 813 : 2008

27 In stock



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Product description

This has quickly become a favorite for technical climbers around the world. The way SAR has assembled this seat harness means that you hardly need to use a seat plate during the longer sessions
Standard Waist Size: 74cm to 114cm
Standard Leg/Thigh Size: 42cm to 70cm
Weight – Harrier 3: 1.2Kg


Waist (cm)
Thigh circomference (cm)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
21105 74 - 114 cm 42 - 70 cm 1.3 United Kingdom

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: SAR
Material: Polyester
Min/Max load (kg): 150
EN-standard: EN 358 : 1999, EN 813 : 2008
Notified body: 0598, SGS Fimko Ltd, Takomotie 8, FI-00380 Helsinki, Finland
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Life span: 10 years
Declaration of Conformity: Yes

Product attachments

This has quickly become a favorite for technical climbers around the world. The way SAR has assembled this seat harness means that you hardly need to use a seat plate during the longer sessions
Standard Waist Size: 74cm to 114cm
Standard Leg/Thigh Size: 42cm to 70cm
Weight – Harrier 3: 1.2Kg