Accessories harnesses
AAK Safety AS

Petzl Caritool

Tool hook

Product number: 3384

Caritool is an anchoring for securing your tools on your harness.

For tools up to 5 kg

Easy to mount

Used with one hand

19 In stock



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Product description

Caritool from Petzl is easily mounted to the harness to connect and disconnect tools with one hand. It's equipped with an eyelet for tool lanyards and has a part designed for grouping your attached tools. The gate has integrated plastic cover to limit the risk of damage on harness or lanyards.

We offer Caritool in size S and L.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
29790 0.03 Italy
29791 0.04 France

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Petzl
Material: Nylon
Maximum load (kg): 5
Warranty: 2+1 year when registered in Inspector
Declaration of Conformity: No

Product attachments


Caritool from Petzl is easily mounted to the harness to connect and disconnect tools with one hand. It's equipped with an eyelet for tool lanyards and has a part designed for grouping your attached tools. The gate has integrated plastic cover to limit the risk of damage on harness or lanyards.

We offer Caritool in size S and L.