Accessories harnesses
AAK Safety AS

Cresto, Work Seat

Work Seat

Product number: 4420

Cresto Work Seat is a lightweight and comfortable seat that provides the user with a stable working position.

Light weight, 1795 g

3 Attachment points underneath harness

Adjustable webbing

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Product description

This seat's features include adjustable side webbing and a a wide, padded seat for maximum comfort and excellent stability. The seat is equipped with two steel and one textile loop for attaching tools, carabiners and other equipment. The user should always wear a fall-arrest safety harness as the seat doesn't meet PPE requirements. The total load capacity of the seat, including the maximum weight of the user, should not exceed 200 kg.


Length (cm)
Width (cm)
Height (cm)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
21905 52 21 10 1.79 Slovakia

Technical data

Product properties
ProductPdfTemplate: Cresto Safety Product PDF
Brand: Cresto
Material: Polyamide, Polyester Nordguard ™
Maximum load (kg): 200
Maximum number of users: 1
Minimum working temperature (c): -20
Maximum working temperature (c): 60
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Life span: 10 years
Warranty: 2 year
Declaration of Conformity: No
Fall indicator: No
Energy absorber: No
Side D-rings: 45 mm steel
Functions: Support function, Sit function
Padding material: Cordura 350g

Product attachments

This seat's features include adjustable side webbing and a a wide, padded seat for maximum comfort and excellent stability. The seat is equipped with two steel and one textile loop for attaching tools, carabiners and other equipment. The user should always wear a fall-arrest safety harness as the seat doesn't meet PPE requirements. The total load capacity of the seat, including the maximum weight of the user, should not exceed 200 kg.