Full body harnesess
AAK Safety AS

Petzl Astro Bod Fast

European Version

Product number: 3742

A full body harness with very high comfort, especially designed för rope access workers.

Ultra-comfortable design

Good adjustment options

Tool loops

EN 361 : 2004
EN 358 : 2018
EN 813 : 2008
EN 12841 : 2006

2 In stock



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Product description

ASTRO® BOD FAST from Petzl is an ultra comfortable full body harness that is specially designed for increased efficiency and comfort during rope climbing.

The ventral attachment point enables optimal integration of equipment such as rope clamps, support lanyards etc. and the harness is equipped with several loops to attach your tools and tool bags. The wide, semi-rigid waist belt provides excellent support and the leg loops are designed and lined for high comfort. Thanks to its self-locking buckles on the harness, between the waist belt and the leg loops, allows a shorter adjustment when the backrest is used.

ASTRO® BOD FAST is certified according to European and Russian standards. This European version of the harness has leg loops with FAST LT automatic buckles.


Diagonal shoulder to waist (cm)
Waist (cm)
Thigh circomference (cm)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
21278-0 160 - 180 cm 65 - 80 cm 44 -59 cm 1.9 Romania
21278-1 165 - 185 cm 70 - 93 cm 47 - 62 cm 2 Romania
21278-2 175 - 200 cm 83 - 120 cm 50 - 65 cm 2.1 Romania

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Petzl
Material: Polyester
Min/Max load (kg): 30 /150
Maximum load (kg): 140
Maximum number of users: 1
Min/Max working temperature (c): -40 / +80
EN-standard: EN 361 : 2004, EN 358 : 2018, EN 813 : 2008, EN 12841 : 2006
Notified body: 0082, SAS APAVE SUDEUROPE - CS 601193, 13322 Marseille cedex 16, France
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Life span: 10 years
Warranty: 2+1 year when registered in Inspector
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Fall indicator: No
Energy absorber: No
Leg buckles:
Front A-point: Aluminum D-Ring
Back A-point: Aluminum D-Ring
Side D-rings:
Back adjuster:
Side adjuster:
Functions: Support function, Sit function
Adjustable under load: Yes
Padding material: Breathable padding

Product attachments


ASTRO® BOD FAST from Petzl is an ultra comfortable full body harness that is specially designed for increased efficiency and comfort during rope climbing.

The ventral attachment point enables optimal integration of equipment such as rope clamps, support lanyards etc. and the harness is equipped with several loops to attach your tools and tool bags. The wide, semi-rigid waist belt provides excellent support and the leg loops are designed and lined for high comfort. Thanks to its self-locking buckles on the harness, between the waist belt and the leg loops, allows a shorter adjustment when the backrest is used.

ASTRO® BOD FAST is certified according to European and Russian standards. This European version of the harness has leg loops with FAST LT automatic buckles.