Accessories harnesses
AAK Safety AS

Petzl Podium


Product number: 5270

Seat designed for prolonged suspension

Suspension webbing with adjustable self-locking DOUBLEBACK buckles

Equipment loops

3 In stock



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Product description

The PODIUM provides optimal comfort during prolonged suspension. The wide sitting position offers excellent stability. Rigid sides prevent the webbing straps from cutting into the thighs. The easy-to-use seat has two equipment loops and a rear hook, making it easier to store in order to facilitate movement.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
21903 1.06 France

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Petzl
Functions: Sit function

Product attachments

The PODIUM provides optimal comfort during prolonged suspension. The wide sitting position offers excellent stability. Rigid sides prevent the webbing straps from cutting into the thighs. The easy-to-use seat has two equipment loops and a rear hook, making it easier to store in order to facilitate movement.