Accessories harnesses
AAK Safety AS

Petzl Spatha

Knife with carabiner hole

Product number: 5620

The SPATHA knife is designed to accompany the worker at height during all daily tasks. The blade design allows easy cutting of ropes and cordage.

Hole for attaching the knife to the harness with a CARITOOL tool holder or a carabiner

Mechanism for locking the blade in the open position

Stainless steel blade for improved durability

29 In stock



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Product description

It has a carabiner hole for easily attaching the knife to the harness. It is easy to manipulate with its textured wheel, even when wearing gloves, and can be locked in the open position.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
29730 0.043 France

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Petzl
Material: Nylon, Stainless steel
Maximum number of users: 1
Annual inspection: No
Declaration of Conformity: No

Product attachments

It has a carabiner hole for easily attaching the knife to the harness. It is easy to manipulate with its textured wheel, even when wearing gloves, and can be locked in the open position.