Sit harnesess
AAK Safety AS

Petzl Falcon Mountain

Sit harness

Product number: 7213

Ultra-lightweight and comfortable sit harness for rescue operations that involve climbing techniques

Especially suited for rescue operations

Ultra-lightweight and comfortable

Two slots for CARITOOL tool holder

EN 12277.C:2015

2 In stock



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Product description

FALCON MOUNTAIN is an ultra-lightweight sit harness designed for rescue operations that involve climbing techniques. Its ventral attachment point has a textile bridge for mobility when progressing and comfort when walking. The design is very lightweight and comfortable, joining the slim, semi-rigid waistbelt and leg loops with 3D foam padding, which provides an optimal balance between low weight and comfort, as well as reduced bulk. The DOUBLEBACK self-locking buckles on the waistbelt and leg loops make it quick and easy to put on and adjust. The rear plastic buckle allows a TOP or TOP CROLL L chest harness to be attached.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
21110-01 0.67 France
21110-02 0.7 France

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Petzl
Maximum load (kg): 150
EN-standard: EN358, EN813, EN 12277.C:2015
Notified body: 0082, SAS APAVE SUDEUROPE - CS 601193, 13322 Marseille cedex 16, France
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Life span: 10 years
Declaration of Conformity: Yes

Product attachments


FALCON MOUNTAIN is an ultra-lightweight sit harness designed for rescue operations that involve climbing techniques. Its ventral attachment point has a textile bridge for mobility when progressing and comfort when walking. The design is very lightweight and comfortable, joining the slim, semi-rigid waistbelt and leg loops with 3D foam padding, which provides an optimal balance between low weight and comfort, as well as reduced bulk. The DOUBLEBACK self-locking buckles on the waistbelt and leg loops make it quick and easy to put on and adjust. The rear plastic buckle allows a TOP or TOP CROLL L chest harness to be attached.