Full body harnesess
AAK Safety AS

Cresto Energy Pro 1136

Harness 1136

Product number: 1072

The focus of the harness design is on ergonomics and comfort. All in order for the user to be able to perform their work as efficiently and safely as possible.

Great comfort and ergonomics


Loops for tool bags and accessories

EN 358 : 2018
EN 361 : 2002
EN 813 : 2008

10 In stock



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Product description

This harness is developed with and for people within industrial tower and pole climbing industry. Design, ergonomics and comfort are the key elements of this robust harness. The H-design makes it easy to put on and remove and its great support and equipment functions come in handy when working long days with a need for great flexibility and comfort.

The harness is equipped with tool holders for bags and accessories. On the back of the support belt there is a perfect place for attachment of a personal evacuation device e.g. Smartline X.


Diagonal shoulder to waist (cm)
Waist (cm)
Thigh circomference (cm)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
21272-L 96 - 146 cm 104 - 133 cm 48 - 73 cm 2.53 Slovakia
21274-L 96-146 cm 104-133 cm 48-73 cm 2.73 Slovakia
21272-M 96 - 136 cm 94 - 123 cm 46 - 66 cm 2.53 Slovakia
21274-M 96-136 cm 94-123 cm 46-66 cm 2.57 Slovakia
21272-S 96 - 136 cm 84 - 113 cm 46 - 61 cm 2.53 Slovakia
21274-S 96-136 cm 84-113 cm 46-61 cm 2.57 Slovakia
21272-XL 96 - 146 cm 114 - 143 cm 48 - 78 cm 2.53 Slovakia
21274-XL 96 - 146 cm 114 - 143 cm 48 - 78 cm 2.78 Slovakia
21272-XS 96 - 136 cm 75 - 96 cm 46 - 61 cm 2.53 Slovakia

Technical data

Product properties
ProductPdfTemplate: Cresto Safety Product PDF
Brand: Cresto
Material: Polyester Nordguard ™
Min/Max load (kg): 30 / 141
Maximum number of users: 1
Min/Max working temperature (c): - 40 / 100
EN-standard: EN 358 : 2018, EN 361 : 2002, EN 813 : 2008
Notified body: 1019, VVUU, a.S., Pikartska 1337/7 716 07 Ostrava - Radvanice Czech Republic
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Life span: 10 + 2 years. Product lifecycle 10 years + 2 years stock keeping
Warranty: 2+1 year when registered in Inspector
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Minimum breaking strength - MBS (kN): 15
Chest buckles: Aluminium alloy, with stainless steel components and brass release clips. Strength: >18kN
Leg buckles: Aluminium alloy, with stainless steel components and brass release clips. Strength: >18kN
Front A-point: Textile angled loop: >15kN
Back A-point: Galvanized steel 45 mm> 30kN
Side D-rings: Galvanized steel 70mm: >30kN
Back adjuster: Heat treted steel saltspray tested 74 hours > 18 kN
Adjustable under load: Yes
Padding material: Shoulder and leg padding: Breathable 3-D mesh Waist belt padding: Ergo+ Honeycomb, breathable

Product attachments


This harness is developed with and for people within industrial tower and pole climbing industry. Design, ergonomics and comfort are the key elements of this robust harness. The H-design makes it easy to put on and remove and its great support and equipment functions come in handy when working long days with a need for great flexibility and comfort.

The harness is equipped with tool holders for bags and accessories. On the back of the support belt there is a perfect place for attachment of a personal evacuation device e.g. Smartline X.