Tool bags
AAK Safety AS

AAK Tool

Verktøyholder i kunststoff m/lokk

Product number: 6097

AAK durable equipment bag with wide sides for big opening. Holders for tools and a velccro closure.

Velcro locking

Could be set in "open possition"


196 In stock



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Product description

Made of robust and durable PVC, polyester and cordura. Easily attached to the harness and provides easy access to tools when you need it. The flap opens and closes easily with Velcro.


Width (cm)
Height (cm)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
21994 25 33 0.45 United Kingdom

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: AAK
Min/Max load (kg): 2
Made of robust and durable PVC, polyester and cordura. Easily attached to the harness and provides easy access to tools when you need it. The flap opens and closes easily with Velcro.