AAK Safety AS

Rock Exotica Omni

Rock Exotica Omni Dobbel Trinse 1,5

Product number: 6693

The Omni-Block combines a swivel and pulley into one tool, and incorporates a unique sideplate that opens while the pulley is still attached to the anchor. Available in single and double sheave versions from 1.1" radius up to 2.6". Made in the USA.

Install and remove rope while still connected to the anchor

Sideplate locks with two-stage, double-catch safety mechanism

Integrated swivel allows pulley to orient while reducing gain

5 In stock



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Product description

The Omni-Block combines a swivel and pulley into one tool, and incorporates a unique sideplate that opens while the pulley is still attached to the anchor. Traditionally, a pulley is connected to a swivel by a carabiner. However, the Omni eliminates the need for the carabiner, reducing length and pieces of equipment in the rigging system. The short length of the Omni is important when used in high-angle, confined space or other space-sensitive rigging environments. The reduced weight of the Omni will make hauling your gear easier. Additionally the Omni sideplate can be opened without detaching from the carabiner.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
25323 0.411 United States

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Rock Exotica
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Warranty: 2 year


The Omni-Block combines a swivel and pulley into one tool, and incorporates a unique sideplate that opens while the pulley is still attached to the anchor. Traditionally, a pulley is connected to a swivel by a carabiner. However, the Omni eliminates the need for the carabiner, reducing length and pieces of equipment in the rigging system. The short length of the Omni is important when used in high-angle, confined space or other space-sensitive rigging environments. The reduced weight of the Omni will make hauling your gear easier. Additionally the Omni sideplate can be opened without detaching from the carabiner.