Aluminum Carabiners
AAK Safety AS

Rock Exotica RockO

Oval Screw-lock carabiner

Product number: 4812

The rockO Screw-Lock is a blend of the traditional oval and the rockD giving it more strength than the standard oval.
EN 362 : 2004

201 In stock



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Product description

Two important features make the Rock Exotica Screw-lock unique from all others. First, all aluminum parts are anodized. This is particularly important for the screw-sleeve and gate, since without this coating, it is more susceptible to corrosion. This protective surface also gives the sleeve a smoother spin.
Second, the gate was designed with an enlarged flange at the top. This prevents the screw-sleeve from moving past the end of the gate, whereas with other designs, the sleeve can wear past the last thread of the gate and slip off.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
24153 0.0073 United States

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Rock Exotica
Material: Aluminum
EN-standard: EN 362 : 2004
Notified body: 1019, VVUU, a.S., Pikartska 1337/7 716 07 Ostrava - Radvanice Czech Republic
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Minimum breaking strength - MBS (kN): 24
Gate opening (mm): 23

Product attachments

Two important features make the Rock Exotica Screw-lock unique from all others. First, all aluminum parts are anodized. This is particularly important for the screw-sleeve and gate, since without this coating, it is more susceptible to corrosion. This protective surface also gives the sleeve a smoother spin.
Second, the gate was designed with an enlarged flange at the top. This prevents the screw-sleeve from moving past the end of the gate, whereas with other designs, the sleeve can wear past the last thread of the gate and slip off.