Aluminum Carabiners
AAK Safety AS

Rock Exotica RockD

Screw-Lock Carabiner

Product number: 4814

The rockD is the carabiner of choice when seeking the highest strength in a standard-sized aluminum frame.

Gate design prevents screw-sleeve from detaching from gate

Snag-resistant keylock nose design

Large and ergonomic angled gate opening

EN 362 : 2004

713 In stock



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Product description

The rockD in non-lanyard versions features a flattened shape with an i-beam profile at the bottom and top bends, giving the carabiner a sleek profile, while providing low weight and high strength characteristics.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
24125 0.0073 United States

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Rock Exotica
EN-standard: EN 362 : 2004
Notified body: 1019, VVUU, a.S., Pikartska 1337/7 716 07 Ostrava - Radvanice Czech Republic
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Minimum breaking strength - MBS (kN): 29
Gate opening (mm): 25

Product attachments

The rockD in non-lanyard versions features a flattened shape with an i-beam profile at the bottom and top bends, giving the carabiner a sleek profile, while providing low weight and high strength characteristics.