Accessories rescue
AAK Safety AS

AAK Safetyknife

Rescue knife

Product number: 5624

AAK Safetyknife is an emergency knife for one time use

Very light weight, 22g.

Extremely efficent cutting of ropes and webbing

Very sharp blade in stainless steel, made by Lutz Blade in germany

1826 In stock



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Product description

Emergency knife from AAK Safety, developed to be safe, easily accessible and effective when you need it. With a split attachment hole, the knife, which weighs only 22 grams, can be hung directly in an equipment loop without the need for additional carabiners.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
28351 0.022 Norway

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: AAK

Product attachments

Emergency knife from AAK Safety, developed to be safe, easily accessible and effective when you need it. With a split attachment hole, the knife, which weighs only 22 grams, can be hung directly in an equipment loop without the need for additional carabiners.