Chest harnesses
AAK Safety AS

SAR Kite

SAR Kite Quick

Product number: 7806

The Kite Chest Harness in combination with a threaded Link Sling have been designed to be used with any of the SAR sit harness range for added comfort and protection. The Kite can be utilised for climbing, mountaineering, rescue, intervention and technical access.

Fully adjustable

Wrap around cross fitting

Supplied with Link Sling

EN 361 : 2001

4 In stock



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Product description

The harness has front loops for use with a Link Sling to keep the user in an upright sitting position when connected to the sit harness to give a full body harness format conforming to EN361.

The Kite can be used for connecting a chest ascender by using the 25mm front strap threaded through the top hole of the ascender and the bottom of the ascender connected to the sit harness. The chest ascender can be fitted over the Link Sling and a karabiner in the chest loops giving the ability to be used in an instant.

The Kite & Kite QC Chest Harness MUST NOT be used on its own.

Interlocking shoulder buckle system and high quality polyester webbing


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
21341 0.445 United Kingdom

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: SAR
Material: Aluminum , Polyester
Min/Max load (kg): 30 / 150
Maximum number of users: 1
Min/Max working temperature (c): - 40 / 100
EN-standard: EN 361 : 2001
Notified body: 0598, SGS Fimko Ltd, Takomotie 8, FI-00380 Helsinki, Finland
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Life span: 10 years
Warranty: 2 year
Declaration of Conformity: Yes

Product attachments

The harness has front loops for use with a Link Sling to keep the user in an upright sitting position when connected to the sit harness to give a full body harness format conforming to EN361.

The Kite can be used for connecting a chest ascender by using the 25mm front strap threaded through the top hole of the ascender and the bottom of the ascender connected to the sit harness. The chest ascender can be fitted over the Link Sling and a karabiner in the chest loops giving the ability to be used in an instant.

The Kite & Kite QC Chest Harness MUST NOT be used on its own.

Interlocking shoulder buckle system and high quality polyester webbing