Accessories for helmets
AAK Safety AS

Petzl Extended

DUAL chinstrap for VERTEX and STRATO helmets

Product number: 7114

This chinstrap allows the chinstrap of VERTEX and STRATO helmets to be changed or replaced. Extended version.

Longer version


Easy to change

15 In stock



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Product description

Allows the worker to modify chinstrap strength in order to adapt the helmet to different environments: work at height (EN 12492) or on the ground (EN 397). The clip has two positions, corresponding to these two uses: high strength, limiting the risk of losing the helmet during a fall, and low strength, limiting the risk of strangulation if the helmet is snagged while the user is on the ground.
Available in two colors and in a longer version.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
26275-DUAL 0.034 France

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Petzl

Product attachments


Allows the worker to modify chinstrap strength in order to adapt the helmet to different environments: work at height (EN 12492) or on the ground (EN 397). The clip has two positions, corresponding to these two uses: high strength, limiting the risk of losing the helmet during a fall, and low strength, limiting the risk of strangulation if the helmet is snagged while the user is on the ground.
Available in two colors and in a longer version.