SRL's with wire
AAK Safety AS

Miller Falcon

Miller Falcon Syrefast wire - Offshore version

Product number: 6188

The safest, most robust and comprehensive range of composite retractable lifelines.


Approved for vertical use with cable/ sling


EN 360 : 2002

28 In stock



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Product description

Enhanced safety : the quick-activating braking mechanism stops a fall within centimeters allowing for a quick and safe rescue. A highly visible load indicator identifies that the unit should be removed from service.

Greater comfort of use : lightweight, with a built-in-handle on the 15 and 20m units, the unit is easy to handle and transport to/from jobsites. The unique side payout design reduces wear on the entry guide and cable and ensures a smooth operation with less resistance.

Authorized for horizontal use when used with a steel or stainless steel sling

Benefits: this self-retracting lifeline is the ideal fall protection solution for construction, industrial, warehouse, utility, mining and confined space applications. Nearly indestructible with high-impact resistant nylon housing, galvanised or stainless steel cable, integrated fall indicator.


Size (m)
Net weight (kg)
Pieces / Pack
Country of origin
27260-010 10 5 1 France
27260-015 15 6.7 1 France
27260-020 20 7.7 1 France
27260-006 6.2 4.1 1 France

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Miller Honeywell
Min/Max load (kg): 136
EN-standard: EN 360 : 2002
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Warranty: 2 year
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Enhanced safety : the quick-activating braking mechanism stops a fall within centimeters allowing for a quick and safe rescue. A highly visible load indicator identifies that the unit should be removed from service.

Greater comfort of use : lightweight, with a built-in-handle on the 15 and 20m units, the unit is easy to handle and transport to/from jobsites. The unique side payout design reduces wear on the entry guide and cable and ensures a smooth operation with less resistance.

Authorized for horizontal use when used with a steel or stainless steel sling

Benefits: this self-retracting lifeline is the ideal fall protection solution for construction, industrial, warehouse, utility, mining and confined space applications. Nearly indestructible with high-impact resistant nylon housing, galvanised or stainless steel cable, integrated fall indicator.