SRL's with wire
AAK Safety AS

Cresto, Armur+ Single-S

Self retractable lanyard C10H & C15H

Product number: 1124

Armur+ Single-S is a robust self retractable lanyard with strong wire.

User weight vertical - 150 kg

Comes in lengths of 10 and 15 meters.

User weight horizontal - 150 kg


5 In stock



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Product description

Cresto Armur + Single-S is a self retractable lanyard with galvanized steel wires that is approved for both vertical and horizontal use, making it suitable for work on roofs and in industries. Attach the anchorage at the harness's anchor point on the back for best freedom of movement.

Thanks to its smart design with a robust design, the equipment's service is cost effective. During the autumn of 2021, the SRL will be updated with a leading edge absorber for safer use, which can be seen in the picture.


Size (m)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
27256-C15H 15 7.52 United Kingdom

Technical data

Product properties
ProductPdfTemplate: Cresto Safety Product PDF
Brand: Cresto
Material: Galvanized steel
Maximum load (kg): 150
Maximum number of users: 1
Minimum working temperature (c): -30
Maximum working temperature (c): 50
EN-standard: EN360, CNB/P11.060.TYPA
Notified body: 0598, SGS Fimko Ltd, Takomotie 8, FI-00380 Helsinki, Finland
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Warranty: 2+1 year when registered in Inspector
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Rope: 4,5 mm wire in galvanized steel
Fall indicator: Yes
Minimum breaking strength - MBS (kN): 15
Energy absorber: Yes
Attaching connector 1: Oval screwgate carabiner in aluminum
Attaching connector 2: 2-way swivel snap-hook in aluminum

Product attachments

Cresto Armur + Single-S is a self retractable lanyard with galvanized steel wires that is approved for both vertical and horizontal use, making it suitable for work on roofs and in industries. Attach the anchorage at the harness's anchor point on the back for best freedom of movement.

Thanks to its smart design with a robust design, the equipment's service is cost effective. During the autumn of 2021, the SRL will be updated with a leading edge absorber for safer use, which can be seen in the picture.