Special ropes
AAK Safety AS

Petzl Airline

Petzl Pilotline Airline Kasteline

Product number: 7142

The AIRLINE throw-line offers an excellent compromise between flexibility and rigidity, for an accurate throw without the formation of knots as it comes out of the bag.

Yellow for excellent visibility

Lightweight, does not require a very heavy throw bag

Available in two versions: 60 and 300 meters

1 In stock



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Product description

The excellent sheath-core bond maintains a round cross-section, ensuring good rope glide through the tree. It is available in two versions: 60 and 300 meters.

Combines flexibility for a precise throw and stiffness for avoiding knot formation as it comes out of the bag.
Excellent sheath-core bond maintains a round cross section, ensuring good rope glide through the tree. The sheath is made of Dyneema® for excellent abrasion resistance


Size (m)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
22620-300 300 0.0021 France
22620 60 0.0021 France

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Petzl

Product attachments

The excellent sheath-core bond maintains a round cross-section, ensuring good rope glide through the tree. It is available in two versions: 60 and 300 meters.

Combines flexibility for a precise throw and stiffness for avoiding knot formation as it comes out of the bag.
Excellent sheath-core bond maintains a round cross section, ensuring good rope glide through the tree. The sheath is made of Dyneema® for excellent abrasion resistance