Rope protection
AAK Safety AS

Petzl Protec

Petzl Protec Taubeskytter

Product number: 6919

Flexible protection for a fixed rope

Easy to install

Fits different rope diameters used by professionals

Easy to open with two pull-tabs that can be used with gloves

1 In stock



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Product description

The PROTEC flexible protector is designed to protect a fixed rope from abrasion when working at height or during rescue. Easy to install and durable, it’s made for regular to intensive use. Versatile, PROTEC fits most rope diameters used by professionals, as well as anchor straps.

Protection for a fixed rope designed for regular to intensive use:
- Lightweight, flexible, and high-strength TPU (PVC-free) material
Hook and loop straps closure system

The clip offers a good grip, making it quick and easy to place on the rope

Can be used in both directions, with the clip at the top or at the bottom

Can provide protection for an anchor strap like the CONNEXION


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
22902 0.13 France

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Petzl

Product attachments

The PROTEC flexible protector is designed to protect a fixed rope from abrasion when working at height or during rescue. Easy to install and durable, it’s made for regular to intensive use. Versatile, PROTEC fits most rope diameters used by professionals, as well as anchor straps.

Protection for a fixed rope designed for regular to intensive use:
- Lightweight, flexible, and high-strength TPU (PVC-free) material
Hook and loop straps closure system

The clip offers a good grip, making it quick and easy to place on the rope

Can be used in both directions, with the clip at the top or at the bottom

Can provide protection for an anchor strap like the CONNEXION