AAK Safety AS

Smartline X

Evacuation equipment

Product number: 2478

Our own personal evacuation equipment Smartline X is one of the worlds smallest evacuation device on the market with a remarkable capacity of 140 kg user weight.

Compact personal equipment

Maximal user weight 140 kg

Can be mounted on the harness

EN 341 : 2011

149 In stock



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Product description

Smartline X kit is developed especially for pole and tower workers but can also be used for most evacuations and rescues for heights up to 25 meters. Smartline X, with its great capacity, although in small size and low weight, enables you always to carry it on your harness for your safety. Smartline X is a small, manually controlled descent device for evacuation. It can also thanks to the special shackle easily be configured for lifting a person shorter distances in a rescue.

The precision put into the details of this product is extraordinary. The line used in the device is made out of Aramide, which has fantastic durability. The cooling plates on the side make sure to keep the device and rope from overheating.

The Smartline X is certified to the PPE Regulation and in accordance with the EN 341 standard for one time use.

Material shortages due to the pandemic have resulted in the need for Cresto Group to periodically and temporarily replace certain components on our products with replacement components fulfilling the same function. Due to this, the product images may differ from that which is delivered.


Size (m)
Length (cm)
Width (cm)
Height (cm)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
48351-015 15 15.5 7.5 17.5 0.95 Slovakia
48351-025 25 15.5 9.5 14 1.02 Slovakia

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: RESQ
Material: Aluminum , Nylon, Aramid
Minimum load (kg): 60
Maximum load (kg): 140
Maximum number of users: 1
Minimum working temperature (c): -25
Maximum working temperature (c): 50
EN-standard: EN 341 : 2011
Notified body: 0200, FORCE Certification A/S, Main office, Park Allé 345, DK-2605 Brondby, Denmark
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Life span: 7 years
Warranty: 2 year
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Rope: Aramid 5,5mm, 16 twill braid coreless construction
Maximum rope length (m): 200
Fall indicator: No
Maximum descent: 200 meter
Descent speed (m/s): 0,5-2
Energy absorber: Yes
Gate opening (mm): 20
Attaching connector 1: Device: Aluminum carabiner tri-lock
Attaching connector 2: Rope/absorber: Aluminum carabiner tri-lock
Functions: Descend function
Mechanics: Friction b rake
Lifting mechanics: Method 1:3
Adjustable under load: Yes

Product attachments


Smartline X kit is developed especially for pole and tower workers but can also be used for most evacuations and rescues for heights up to 25 meters. Smartline X, with its great capacity, although in small size and low weight, enables you always to carry it on your harness for your safety. Smartline X is a small, manually controlled descent device for evacuation. It can also thanks to the special shackle easily be configured for lifting a person shorter distances in a rescue.

The precision put into the details of this product is extraordinary. The line used in the device is made out of Aramide, which has fantastic durability. The cooling plates on the side make sure to keep the device and rope from overheating.

The Smartline X is certified to the PPE Regulation and in accordance with the EN 341 standard for one time use.

Material shortages due to the pandemic have resulted in the need for Cresto Group to periodically and temporarily replace certain components on our products with replacement components fulfilling the same function. Due to this, the product images may differ from that which is delivered.