Accessories for helmets
AAK Safety AS

Zekler Hygiene

HK2 for Zekler 403H Helmet ear muffs

Product number: 6632

Zekler HK3B contains 2 sealing rings, 2 absorbent pads and 1 crown cushion.

Replaceable parts

Complete set

Suits several Zekler models

18 In stock



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Product description

Zekler HK3B contains 2 sealing rings, 2 absorbent pads and 1 crown cushion. Suitable for Zekler headsets 412RDB, 412RDBH, 412DB and 412DBH and Sonic series.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
26303-HYG 0.1 Sweden

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Zekler
Zekler HK3B contains 2 sealing rings, 2 absorbent pads and 1 crown cushion. Suitable for Zekler headsets 412RDB, 412RDBH, 412DB and 412DBH and Sonic series.