Accessories for helmets
AAK Safety AS

Visir Zekler Zone/Cresto Crown

Visor grey

Product number: 4471

Polycarbonate visor that is attached with quick-release fasteners on the Zekler Zone / Cresto Crown safety helmet, quick-release fasteners are included and comply with EN 166.


Passer til Cresto Crown

Passer til Zekler Zone

EN 166 : 2001

15 In stock



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Product description

Polycarbonate visor that is attached with quick-release fasteners on the Zekler Zone / Cresto Crown safety helmet, quick-release fasteners are included and comply with EN 166.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
26305-SORT 0.08 China

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Zekler
Material: Polycarbonate
Minimum working temperature (c): -30
Maximum working temperature (c): 50
EN-standard: EN 166 : 2001
Notified body: 2754, ALIENOR-Certificatio, 21 rue Albert Einstein, 86100 Chatellerault France
Annual inspection: No
Warranty: 2 year
Declaration of Conformity: Yes

Product attachments

Polycarbonate visor that is attached with quick-release fasteners on the Zekler Zone / Cresto Crown safety helmet, quick-release fasteners are included and comply with EN 166.