Accessories for helmets
AAK Safety AS

Petzl Stickers

Sticker Transparent, Fits A10VW-A

Product number: 1249

Transparent stickers for PETZL's helmets Vertex and Strato.

Fits the Strato and Vertex models

36 stickers

0 In stock



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Product description

These transparent stickers from PETZL are designed to mark your helmet with name or other information. You can write with a permanent marker or use a laser printer.

The stickers fit PETZl's models Strato and Vertex.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
26270-TRA 0.03 France

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Petzl

Product attachments

These transparent stickers from PETZL are designed to mark your helmet with name or other information. You can write with a permanent marker or use a laser printer.

The stickers fit PETZl's models Strato and Vertex.