Full body harnesess
AAK Safety AS

Cresto, Fusion Active+ Wind 1137

Harness 1137

Product number: 1077

Fusion Active + Wind, Engineered for wind power technicians, this harness ensures ergonomic comfort and safety during high-altitude tasks..

Harness for the wind industry


Optimal fit

EN 358 : 2018
EN 361 : 2002

23 In stock



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Product description

The Fusion Active + Wind harness is specifically crafted to support wind power technicians, offering an ergonomic design that distributes weight evenly across the body. This ensures comfort and efficiency in various challenging environments. It features the most vertical body angle when hanging from the front connection point, making it ideal for helicopter lifts and tasks requiring precise vertical positioning. Available in sizes S/M and L/XL, it offers easy adjustability for the perfect fit. With coated D-rings and a self-luminous rear anchorage point, it is also suitable for low-light conditions. Made with high-quality polyester bands and top-grade steel components, this harness guarantees durability and reliability.


Diagonal shoulder to waist (cm)
Waist (cm)
Thigh circomference (cm)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
21227-XL 50 - 73 cm 84 - 125 cm 56 - 75 cm 2.6 Slovakia
21227-M 44 - 62 cm 71 - 99 cm 56 - 67 cm 2.5 Slovakia

Technical data

Product properties
ProductPdfTemplate: Cresto Safety Product PDF
Brand: Cresto
Material: Polyester Nordguard ™
Min/Max load (kg): 30 / 140
Maximum number of users: 1
Min/Max working temperature (c): - 40 / 100
EN-standard: EN 358 : 2018, EN 361 : 2002
Notified body: 1019, VVUU, a.S., Pikartska 1337/7 716 07 Ostrava - Radvanice Czech Republic
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Life span: 10 + 2 years. Product lifecycle 10 years + 2 years stock keeping
Warranty: 2+1 year when registered in Inspector
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Minimum breaking strength - MBS (kN): 22
Chest buckles: Triangle shaped carabiner of aluminum (carabiner 9656)
Leg buckles: Quickbuckles in steel with stainless components Strength >20kN
Front A-point: Triangle shaped carabiner (carabiner 9656) in textile loops
Back A-point: Plastic overmoeld steel ring self luminous PVC 53 mm
Side D-rings: Plastic overmoeld steel ring in black PVC 53 mm
Back adjuster: Quick adjustable painted steel buckles
Side adjuster: Quick adjustable painted steel buckles
Adjustable under load: Yes
Padding material: Breathable 3-D mesh

Product attachments

The Fusion Active + Wind harness is specifically crafted to support wind power technicians, offering an ergonomic design that distributes weight evenly across the body. This ensures comfort and efficiency in various challenging environments. It features the most vertical body angle when hanging from the front connection point, making it ideal for helicopter lifts and tasks requiring precise vertical positioning. Available in sizes S/M and L/XL, it offers easy adjustability for the perfect fit. With coated D-rings and a self-luminous rear anchorage point, it is also suitable for low-light conditions. Made with high-quality polyester bands and top-grade steel components, this harness guarantees durability and reliability.