Accessories harnesses
AAK Safety AS

ISC Nessie

Lanyard Management Clip

Product number: 10760

The NESSIE from ISC, an innovative solution to lanyard management challenges.

Functional in temperatures as low as to –20°C

Weight 52g

(SWL) Safe Working Load (kg)10

2 In stock



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Product description

Featuring four flexible fins designed to effortlessly clip loops of climbing line (max. ø13mm/ 1/2" rope). This durable NESSIE allows for convenient partial or complete rope storage at all times.

The NESSIE is crafted with intentional features throughout its design. At the base, you will find an attachment aperture that ensures the secure fastening of your lanyard tail and spare gear. Additionally, the head of the NESSIE serves a dual purpose- it can hold your lanyard connector when not in use and neatly tuck a climbing line out of your workspace.

The construction has passed thorough extensive durability testing, including temperature testing, confirming its suitability for use at temperatures ranging from -20°C to 45°C. Years of field-based development have led to the optimization of the NESSIE. The NESSIE offers an intuitive alternative to other lanyard management devices, which rely on traditional daisy-chains.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
29787 0.052 United Kingdom

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: ISC
Min/Max load (kg): 0 / 10
Min/Max working temperature (c): - 20 / 45
Annual inspection: No
Featuring four flexible fins designed to effortlessly clip loops of climbing line (max. ø13mm/ 1/2" rope). This durable NESSIE allows for convenient partial or complete rope storage at all times.

The NESSIE is crafted with intentional features throughout its design. At the base, you will find an attachment aperture that ensures the secure fastening of your lanyard tail and spare gear. Additionally, the head of the NESSIE serves a dual purpose- it can hold your lanyard connector when not in use and neatly tuck a climbing line out of your workspace.

The construction has passed thorough extensive durability testing, including temperature testing, confirming its suitability for use at temperatures ranging from -20°C to 45°C. Years of field-based development have led to the optimization of the NESSIE. The NESSIE offers an intuitive alternative to other lanyard management devices, which rely on traditional daisy-chains.