Fall arrest lines
AAK Safety AS

Cresto, Worker Adjustable 1215

Fall arrest line 1215

Product number: 1130

A fall arrest line with an adjustable rope grab tested and approved for users up to 140 kg.

Durable 12 mm polyamide rope

For users up to 140 kg

Easily adjustable rope grab

EN 353-2 : 2002

5 In stock



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Product description

This fall arrest line is made of a 12 mm thick rope of high quality, and the adjustable rope grab allows the product to be used easily in, for example, roof work. The fall arrest line is tested and approved for users up to 140 kg. The textile fall arrester is located in an openable bag to make it easier to carry out an annual inspection according to EN 365.


Size (m)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
23754-005 5 1.26 Slovakia
23754-010 10 1.77 Slovakia
23754-015 15 2.23 Slovakia

Technical data

Product properties
ProductPdfTemplate: Cresto Safety Product PDF
Brand: Cresto
Material: Polyamide
Maximum load (kg): 140
Maximum number of users: 1
Minimum working temperature (c): -40
Maximum working temperature (c): 100
EN-standard: EN 353-2 : 2002
Notified body: 1019, VVUU, a.S., Pikartska 1337/7 716 07 Ostrava - Radvanice Czech Republic
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Life span: 10 years
Warranty: 2+1 year when registered in Inspector
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Rope: 12 mm kern mantle rope in polyamide by the brand Patron from Teufelberger
Minimum breaking strength - MBS (kN): 15
Energy absorber: Yes
Attaching connector 1: Oval twist carabiner in aluminum, mounted with captive pin
Attaching connector 2: Oval twist carabiner in aluminum, mounted with captive pin
Mechanics: Tear-webbing absorber on the rope grab
Adjustable under load: No

Product attachments


This fall arrest line is made of a 12 mm thick rope of high quality, and the adjustable rope grab allows the product to be used easily in, for example, roof work. The fall arrest line is tested and approved for users up to 140 kg. The textile fall arrester is located in an openable bag to make it easier to carry out an annual inspection according to EN 365.