Aluminum Carabiners
AAK Safety AS

Petzl OK Triact-lock

Oval carabiner triact-lock

Product number: 3485

Petzl strong and lightweight oval shaped carabiner suitable for most applications.

Symetrical deisgn



EN 362 : 2004

409 In stock



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Product description

The OK carabiner from Petzl is oval shaped carabiner is symetrically shaped to fit larger components such as pulleys and rope clamps, to even the load along the "spine" of the carabiner for maximum strenght.

The carabiner is made of aluminum which makes it light weight and reduces the weight for the worker to carry- Thanks to its design it's easy to use.

This product comes with the Triact-lock opening.


Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
24210 0.08 France

Technical data

Product properties
Brand: Petzl
Material: Aluminum
Minimum working temperature (c): -40
Maximum working temperature (c): 80
EN-standard: EN 362 : 2004
Notified body: 0082, SAS APAVE SUDEUROPE - CS 601193, 13322 Marseille cedex 16, France
Annual inspection: Yes, every 12 months
Warranty: 2 year
Declaration of Conformity: Yes
Minimum breaking strength - MBS (kN): 25
Gate feature: 3-way
Gate opening (mm): 22

Product attachments

The OK carabiner from Petzl is oval shaped carabiner is symetrically shaped to fit larger components such as pulleys and rope clamps, to even the load along the "spine" of the carabiner for maximum strenght.

The carabiner is made of aluminum which makes it light weight and reduces the weight for the worker to carry- Thanks to its design it's easy to use.

This product comes with the Triact-lock opening.