Bags & Storage
AAK Safety AS

Bags & Storage

Proper cleaning and storage of the fall protection equipment means that it will last much longer. Good for both you and nature.

Your fall protection equipment consists of many different materials. Regardless of what it is made from, it must be kept clean, dry, dark and cool.


Bags or cases for your fall protection equipment

We recommend using suitable bags or boxes that are less affected by UV radiation, chemicals, sharp edges and the like. Marked boxes and bags also give you a better overview of all your things.


Dry everything before unpacking

It is important not to pack the equipment in damp bags and boxes. This leads to the soft components being damaged by moisture and the hard components corroding. Dry first, pack later.

Proper cleaning and storage of the fall protection equipment means that it will last much longer. Good for both you and nature.

Your fall protection equipment consists of many different materials. Regardless of what it is made from, it must be kept clean, dry, dark and cool.


Bags or cases for your fall protection equipment

We recommend using suitable bags or boxes that are less affected by UV radiation, chemicals, sharp edges and the like. Marked boxes and bags also give you a better overview of all your things.


Dry everything before unpacking

It is important not to pack the equipment in damp bags and boxes. This leads to the soft components being damaged by moisture and the hard components corroding. Dry first, pack later.

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