Privacy Statement

AAK Safety AS and companies that are part of the AAK Safety group process personal data about the individuals who visit and use our digital platforms and services.

AAK Safety protects personal integrity and strives to maintain a high level of protection in all processing of personal data. All processing of personal data at AAK Safety is conducted in accordance with applicable law. This privacy statement describes how we process your personal data. It applies to all AAK Safety's websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms ("digital channels").

By visiting/using any of our digital channels, you agree that we process your personal data in accordance with what is stated below.

What is personal data?

Personal data includes all information that directly or indirectly, along with other data, can be linked to a living physical person. This means that details such as name and contact information are personal data.

What kind of personal data do we collect, and how are they used? When you visit/use or communicate with us through our digital channels, we may collect information about you. Examples are name, mailing address, email address, mobile number, and geographical location. If you register for newsletters, participate in competitions, or similar activities, we may process additional information that you choose to provide us.

Personal data are collected (i) so that we can communicate with you, (ii) to manage marketing activities, and (iii) to maintain, develop, and improve our digital channels and the platforms they are offered on. We may also use your personal data for direct marketing and promotional offers. Or to inform you about other products and services that we offer, and which may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive such information, you can contact us at

Protection of personal data

We maintain a high level of security to protect your personal data. For this purpose, we have implemented suitable technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, alteration, dissemination, or destruction. Limitations in the disclosure of personal data.

We may use external partners to perform tasks on our behalf. Examples are helping with marketing, analyzing data, and providing services. When these tasks are performed, it may mean that our partners, both within and outside the EU, get access to your personal data. Companies that handle personal data on our behalf are always obliged to maintain a high level of security to protect your personal data.

We will not sell personal data or otherwise disclose your personal data to a greater extent than described here.

External links

These privacy guidelines apply to information that we process within the scope of our digital channels. Our digital channels may sometimes contain links to external websites or services that we do not control. If you follow a link to an external website, you are encouraged to note the principles for processing personal data that apply to that particular site.

Right to Information

You have the right to request at any time that we stop processing your personal data. We will comply unless there is a law or regulation that requires us to continue processing. In such a case, you can contact us at You also have the right, once a year, upon a written request signed by you, to obtain information about the personal data we have registered about you, and to have any incorrect information corrected.

Why We Use Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or mobile phone when you visit a website. Cookies help our digital channels to recognize your device and remember information about your visit (e.g., preferred language, font size, and other preferences).

How to Reject the Use of Cookies

You can refuse the use of cookies by adjusting certain settings in your browser. Be aware that you may lose some useful features such as personalization of the digital channel and "remember me" functions.

Contact Information

The data controller responsible for processing your personal data is AAK Safety AS, or possibly another company within the AAK Safety group. If you have questions about how we process your personal data, or if you want to get information about and contact details for appointed contact persons for questions concerning personal data in other companies in the AAK Safety group, you are welcome to contact us.


Vi er AAK Safety - spesialister på fallsikring